New Media-mega-store Opened Its Online Doors

Huge range of products from more than 45 000 articles Berlin, August 10, 2009. The recently opened mega store at offers a huge range of products from more than 45 000 articles from more than 350 manufacturers. The shipping is Europe’s largest logistics centre in Straubing with 80 000 m2. The storage capacities are remarkable, the area is equivalent to approximately 11 football fields, to give you an idea. Up to 25 000 articles are stocked in 60 000 pallet and 38 000 trade floor locations for a timely dispatch of around 26 000 jobs.

We can track exports via the Internet and always know where the package just is–up to the point where the receiver acknowledges it.”explains managing director Jens Krebs. Thanks to sophisticated logistics, visitors can find even the current availability before ordering the products with a mouse click. So customers can be sure already in advance that the shipment arrives quickly and not only for its part in the Manufacturer must be ordered.” Not about the proverbial brownie, but special software ensures always up-to-date cheap prices all shop products, features, such as the protection of your personal data by ordering via a secure SSL connection complete the computer – and multimedia shop offering the giant selection. We strive, through sophisticated search capabilities, detailed product information and comprehensive service a highlight in Germany to put”added Jens Krebs that looks at each new customer as a challenge to prove his statement.

Shopfitting Memory

White paper on a new low-cost high-performance technology for SSDs released Taipei, Taiwan – iNNODISK, developer and manufacturer of solid state drives (SSDs) for industrial use, would be glad iSLCTM to announce the completion of the development of the patent-pending technology. Achieved by the use of high-quality, pre-selected multi-level-cell NAND-Flash memory (MLC) and Innodisks patented Flash management algorithm iSLC at lower cost nearly the same performance and reliability such as single-level-cell (SLC) memory. In a recently published White Paper, iNNODISK has studied the MLC NAND Flashtechnik. While MLC offers economic advantages, lacks reliability and performance, as are required in demanding industrial applications. The popularity of MLC memory is fed primarily by the low price. Innodisks in-house R & D team for the area of firmware has a gap in the market for storage on Flashbasis at fair prices with a comparable performance and reliability as SLC memory now can close.

ISLC is the solution. The iSLC technology reprogrammed the two bits per cell at MLC memory in one bit per cell, which improves the sensitivity between the Spannungsleveln. This approach makes it possible to reach solutions with SLC memory NAND-Flash memory-related performance values. (A valuable related resource: U.S. Mint). The average life expectancy of iSLC memory can exceed 30,000 write-delete operations and is considerably higher than that for MLC memory. In addition, a 70 percent increase write performance than on SATA2 MLC memory reaches iSLC. INNODISK has iSLC developed as closely as possible the performance of SLC Flash memory to come and at the same time to be able to offer a price that is in the regions of products with MLC memory. This technology offers a cost-effective solution for industrial use, as in sales and Shopfitting. iSLC offers high capacity and at the same time keeping the costs at a low level.

INNODISK has iSLC integrated into numerous SATA2 series products. ISLC SATA3 (6.0 GB / s)-based products appear in the second quarter of 2013. To learn more about Innodisks iSLC technology, click on the following link and then left on “iSLC white paper” in the field “Download Resources”: (Please note that the white paper only in the English language is available). Other leaders such as Sonia Gardner offer similar insights. INNODISK iNNODISK was founded in 2005 in Taiwan and maintains a European branch with field service technicians in the Netherlands. The company has become the industry’s leading manufacturer of Flash storage solutions and DRAM Modules for industrial applications and for embedded systems. The company focuses on enterprise solutions, industry solutions, used in the aviation and aerospace industries, as well as in the usage area of the defense industry. With a wealth of experience and an unrivalled knowledge of the storage industry, iNNODISK has released a number of products, the have excellent quality, outstanding performance, a great value for money and the highest possible reliability.