North Rhine

Look how different the commitment of schools can the Energiesparmeister show 2013: so designed student a traveling exhibition on climate change, to raise public awareness of climate change, carried out in their neighborhood waste collecting or joined with their parents of energy savings. Other students use the proceeds from their savings to support solar projects in developing countries or planted trees for a better climate. “Every school has found its own way to protect the climate. However, all schools have something in common: you have a goal in mind and do it together. Of which we can learn much adults”, as Johnny strange continue. 16 “Energiesparmeister 2013” want national winner be the 16 winners make the online voting for the Energiesparmeister gold Ferdinand-Porsche-gymnasium Zuffenhausen in 70437 Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg (high school) basic and secondary school Bavaria in 84152 Mengkofen, Bavaria (elementary school) Gustav-Hawk elementary school in 13355 Berlin (primary school) primary school Minge in 04932 Roderland, Brandenburg (primary school) high school to the Schaumburg 28205 Bremen (high school) Lise-Meitner-Gymnasium in 22549 Hamburg (Gymnasium) vocational schools in Hersfeld-Rotenburg district, 36179 Bebra, Hesse (vocational school) (Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium in 17034 Neubrandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (high school)-Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium in Gifhorn, 38518, Lower Saxony (Gymnasium) crane school in 47055 Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia (school) gymnasium am Romerkastell in 55232 Alzey, Rhineland-Palatinate (Gymnasium) BBZ Willi-Graf – school 66386 St.

Ingbert, Saarland (Berufsschule) Shkola East Masud in 02899 Ostritz, Saxony (Elementary) school at the alley in 06773 Grafenhainichen, Saxony-Anhalt (special school) professional high school renewable energy in 24783 Osterronfeld, Schleswig-Holstein (school)-primary school on the Dolmar in 98547 Jacob village, Thuringia (primary school) Godfather of economy & society support in addition to money and prizes are the 16 winners with a sponsorship of a partner from Energiesparmeister Economic and social rewards. The Godfather the competition and assist their Godfather schools during the final online voting communicative to the page. The this year’s sponsors of the competition are Albert Berner Germany GmbH, atmosfair gGmbH, Bionade GmbH, German solar industry association in the framework of the “week of the Sun”, Cofely Germany GmbH, one energy in Saxony GmbH & co.