Because, of course, the seller here larger volumes and subsequent purchases senses why he wants to make his offer particularly attractive. Are art collectors or interested in ancient objects, such as lamps, frames, cabinets, etc.? Then you have suitable certainly much knowledge that only a true professional can finally tell the difference between real and fake Antiquities. w. Of course it’s worth whatever, to educate themselves to get more information to better detect real pieces. The website offers not only a good entry point into the matter, but is also a good platform, not only for the exchange of information, but also for the conclusion of transactions, as the name suggests, just for dealers and distributors. Because of course, the dealer to dealer sales is also much more profitable than buying of old lamps, paintings and other Antiquities somewhere else. Why? It’s very simple! Because Always better prices make other business people businessmen, as for individuals. Because, of course, the seller here larger volumes and subsequent purchases senses why he wants to make his offer particularly attractive. And the customer is on the safe side, because a commercial seller must also bear the responsibilities for the goods sold by him. “I.e., a shop sells the an old lamp as antique, and it turns out that the lamp only on old is trimmed, maybe even somewhere the stamp made in China” is, so you can withdraw easily from the purchase and the seller is obliged to take back the goods sold and to refund your money. So the B2B antiques offers “two pages of a certain security, the purchaser to buy something real, the security, and the seller the prospect a long term customer.”