PDCA Standard

According to Fields (1992), after defined these goals and the objectives, an adjusted methodology must be established to reach the results. Two types of goals exist: ) the goals to keep, the plan to reach the goal standard is Procedimento Operacional Padro (POP). The set of operational procedures standard is the proper planning operational of the company. The PDCA is used to reach goals standard, or to keep the results in a certain desired level, it can then be called SDCA (S of standard); b) goals to improve, is the way to reach new goals or new results, ' ' way of trabalhar' ' it must be modified; for example, a possible action would be to modify the Operational Procedures Standard. Step 2: To execute the plan (OF), in this step can be boarded in three important points: ) to train in the work to be used method; b) to execute the method; c) to collect the data for verification of the process. In this step the tasks must accurately be executed as they are foreseen in the plans. Step 3: To verify the results (CHECK), in this step, we verify the process and we evaluate the gotten results: ) to verify if the work he is being carried through in accordance with the standard; b) to verify if the measured values had varied, and to compare the results with the standard; c) to verify if the control item corresponds with the values of objectives. Step 4: To make corrective actions (ACT), to take actions based on the results presented in step 3; ) if the work to deviate from the standard, to take action to correct these; b) if a result will be is of the standard, to investigate the causes and to take action to prevent and corrigiz it; c) to improve the system of work and the method.